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Hello and welcome to my website!


My name is Dragonheart and I am a video content creator on Youtube that has been making videos for over two years. My main inspirations for making videos were fellow YouTubers Lionheartx10, Heph, TheReformistTM, AngryJoe and many other creators.


Initally my main love was the Total War series, which is a PC Strategy series that combines Campaign 'Turn Based 'play and 'Real Time' open field battles. I watched many great YouTubers play Empire Total War while I was studying at University, at the time I didn't have a gaming PC and my Laptop couldn't handle the demands of such a game so I had to make do with watching. It was a fantastic viewing experience and made me want to attempt to record videos and show them off on a YouTube channel. This eventually happened in 2013.


I started my own channel on March 20th 2013, just as I was coming to the end of my time at University. I started off playing Worms Revolution and the original Rome Total War, the quality of these videos weren't as good as I would have liked, but I was new and wanted to learn how to make good quality videos and eventually attempt to built up a fan base.


I got better and two years later have over 1.5k Subscribers and 100k Channel Views. The support has been magnificent and throughout this journey I have had some amazing moments and made some great online friends.


This dream has now become a reality.


DragonHeart, The Prince of Wales -

Who is Dragonheart?
Latest Series

1. Hojo Campaign (Legendary)

2. Daeron
Blackfyre (M&B: Warband)


3. Ark Survival Evolved


4. Wales Campaign (VH/VH)

5. Shout Out & Channel Reviews

6. The Dragon's Lair (Vlogs)








I also do random unplanned videos.

To Keep up Subscribe - User/Dragonheart1791

Twitch Channel

I stream on a weekly basis, follow to not miss a stream!

Channel Trailer
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